
The Georgia State Society welcomes you and hopes you will wish to become a member of this  “Friendly Society”. Our State Society is one of two that organized on April 25, 1921, the same date as the National Society Daughters of the American Colonists. We are going strong with 480+ members in 15 chapters across Georgia. If you have an ancestor who rendered patriotic or civil service to the colonies before July 4, 1776 you may be eligible to become a member.

” The object of this Society shall be Patriotic, Historical and Educational; to make research as to the history and deeds of the American colonists and to record and publish the same; to commemorate deeds of colonial interest; to inculcate and foster love of America and its institutions by all its residents; to obey its laws and venerate its flag, the emblem of its power and civic righteousness.”

Excerpt from our Bylaws, Article II.
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